



【日時】2020年11月4日(水)12:30~15:00 (Zoomによるオンライン開催)

【言語】英語 (一部日本語の解説含む)


12:30(05分)香坂 玲 (名古屋大学)

演題:Status and trends of green infrastructure

 12:35(15分)Song Youngkeun (ソウル国立大学)

 演題:Towards safe and healthy urban green infrastructure: a case study from Korea

 12:50(15分)新保 奈穂美(筑波大学)

 演題:Changing roles and governance of allotment and community gardens in urban settings

 13:05(15分)高取 千佳(九州大学)

 演題:New possibility of urban agriculture in the with/post COVID-19 era

 13:20(15分)曽我 昌史 (東京大学)

 演題:The role of urban nature in reducing the extinction of experience

13:35(05分)内山 愉太 (名古屋大学)

演題:Access and use of green areas during the spread of COVID-19

13:40(05分)三宅 良尚 (名古屋大学)

演題:Urban farmers market and organic farming

 13:45(15分)Marianne Penker (ウィーン天然資源生命科学大学)

 演題:Community Gardens in Europe and North America



 14:55(05分)閉会 香坂 玲 (名古屋大学)









【主催】名古屋大学大学院 環境学研究科付属 持続的共発展教育研究センター


お問い合わせ :

名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科 香坂玲研究室

内山 愉太 uchiyama.yuta@k.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp


[HP] https://www.facebook.com/kohsaka.jp/?ref=bookmarks


【Title】 Green Infrastructure and urban agriculture international workshop

【Hosted】 Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development, Nagoya University

【Co-hosted】 Glocal Education Center (GleC), Okinawa Education Lab
【Time and Date】 12:30-15:00 on Tue, November 4th,2020 (Japan Standard Time)

【Languages】 English, (partially supplemented in Japanese)


The topics of the workshop including urban agriculture, food, and citizen participation are presented and discussed to have insights for management of green infrastructure (GI). Implications from the experience / research under COVID-19 would be presented.

Regarding the indicators for evaluation and managements of GI, knowledge and experience from different fields, sectors, and regions are shared for future development of international indicators of GI.

【Time Table】
12:30 Prof. Ryo Kohsaka (Nagoya University)

 Title:Status and trends of green infrastructure

 12:35 Associate Prof. Youngkeun Song (Seoul National University)

 Title:Towards safe and healthy urban green infrastructure: a case study from Korea

 12:50 Assistant Prof. Naomi Shimpo(Tsukuba University)

 Title:Changing roles and governance of allotments and community gardens in urban settings

13:05 Associate Prof. Chika Takatori(Kyushu University)

 Title:New possibility of urban agriculture in the with/post- COVID-19 era


13:20 Associate Prof. Masayoshi Soga (University of Tokyo)

 Title:The role of urban nature in reducing the extinction of experience

13:35 Dr. Yuta Uchiyama (Nagoya University)

Title:Access and use of green areas during the spread of COVID-19

13:40 Dr. Yoshitaka Miyake (Nagoya University)

Title:Urban farmers market and organic farming 

13:45 Prof. Marianne Penker (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna [BOKU])

 Title:Community Gardens in Europe and North America

 14:15 Discussion

 14:55 Closing  Prof. Ryo Kohsaka (Nagoya University)


 Presentations and discussions on Zoom, and YouTube Live open to the public


 Pre-registration is required. Please register by Friday, October 30 from the link below. We will send you the YouTube URL on Monday, November 2nd.
To the registration form: https://forms.gle/sL1ZrUCPoxg8tQ6HA

In order to prevent coronavirus infection, this workshop will be held online

This seminar will be open to students as part of Nagoya University's "Society and Environment" lecture.

Acknowledgement: This seminar will be supported by the Nagoya University International Conference Grant and the Obayashi Foundation International Conference Grant.

Yuta Uchiyama: uchiyama.yuta@k.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Ryo Kohsaka Lab, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan
Phone: +81-52-789-5643
HP: https://www.facebook.com/kohsaka.jp/?ref=bookmarks